Sunday, June 28, 2009


Birthdays - We celebrated my birthday at Red Lobster with Krysta and the Ball's. Then Cindy had cake and candles at her house. My brother in law Greg had a birthday on the 11th. My neice Eden turned 12 on the 15th.

Krysta turned 24 this year. We are very proud of her!

The Wedding

The wedding weekend was great! We had a great time at the rehersal party hosted by the Winkelman's. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a lot of fun. Both families enjoyed the visit with family and friends that shared Janae and Tyler's special day.

A few more photos under True Weddings - here:

this post was written several months ago - I may try to catch up for the year but no promies.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Let the festivities begin!

The wedding is fast approching.

This past weekend my friends hosted a bridal shower for Janae. She had a wonderful turn out and she and Tyler received many nice things from friends and family.

Responses are coming in and the excitement of the upcoming wedding is fun!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

One year ---

This year more and more friends and acquaintances have dealt with and are dealing with cancer and I know of many cases of lung cancer. I miss Daddy a lot but not seeing him go through the chemo and radiation I hear others go through is a blessing in it's own way. Many win the battle so I'm not saying treatments are a bad thing. They are great if you are healthy to start out. The lung stuff is a bad thing.

The photo in my header makes me think of him. Home...his place he bought in 1970 and he loved it...lots of memories made there. The white horse isn't his but one that reminds me of his horse Whitey.

Bringing my slide show from last year to the top.... Still miss him bunches.