Here is what I've been up to:
Collecting the money for my 30th High School reunion Sept. 19th and 20th. We've had fun visiting and planning every month and we hope everyone will come enjoy catching up with old friends. Getting reacquainted as we approach the big 5-0 will be interesting too.
Collecting money and organizing our annual scrapbooking retreat in October.
Planning Janae and Tyler's March 28th wedding. Vendors and venues are in place! Now we are working on the dresses, decor and details.
Krysta moved to LR to be closer to school but she did most of it herself. I did go hang her pictures and curtians and now her apartment looks very cute. My upstairs looks very empty! (Add shop for new bedding and curtians to my list).
Cancer is popping up in the lives of several families we know and one of my best friends lost her hubby last week. Prayers would be appreciated as she deals with her loss and for the others dealing with chemo and strengh.
Birthday wishes to my Betty/Mom! We had a nice visit and dinner out on Tuesday night. Callie and Brooke brought her a cake Wed. the special day!

I had a nice visit and lunch with my Aunt Christine and cousin Leslie last week.
All the neices and nephew seemed to have a good first day of school.
The nephew started 3rd grade.
Two started 6th grade.
One is in 8th and
The oldest is a junior!!!
Summer flew by! We are looking forward to having everyone over for a last pool party on the holiday weekend. I hope we get some sun this week to warm up the pool!
And to end this post on a cute note! Callie is 9 1/2 mos. now! Check out those toofies!

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