Friday, March 7, 2008

Spring Birthday?

I don't remember it ever snowing on my birthday. The weather has been crazy this week even for Arkansas. This weekend it was warm and we did some yard work. Monday brought rain and Tuesday it looked like this outside---> Wed. and Thurs. warm again...

Today when I look out my window it looks like just like Tuesday. I remember in past years snow on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd but not on the 7th!

Yesterday I had lunch with friends. Three of the 4 of us have a March birthday so we celebrated with lunch and shopping. We didn't find much until our last stop and I found a nice painting for the house. Hubby was thrilled I continued with my tradition of buying my own gift. He was getting worried because I told him he would have to come up with something thoughtful and fun.

So far the roads aren't bad and hopefully we can still celebrate with dinner out tonight.

1 comment:

ArkyArtist said...

Janet-BABY!!!! It was your birthday and I forgot to sing??? and your blogging, too!! WONDERFUL!!!

Happy Birthday-baby!! You're looking younger EVERY DAY!!!
