Callie - My little sister's baby girl and the key to our hearts. She started out as a tiny little thing at only 5 lbs 5 oz. Born Nov. 7th, we found out a couple of days later that Daddy had a mass in his lung. During Daddy's illness and loss, Callie was the warm spot in our lives. She is such a good sweet baby and never cries unless she is hungry or has a tummy ache. Callie has the biggest bright eyes and the sweetest smile. During her short life she has spent a lot of time in hospital waiting rooms. If Brooke and Josh came into Daddy's room together his first question was "where is Callie? " and they would assure him she was with Grandma, Aunt Janet or Aunt B. The situation was bittersweet but we all enjoyed those sweet newborn days with Callie because we were together so much and we watched her grow before our eyes. A video of Callie on our phones or a photo on the computer would bring a big smile to Paw Paw's face.

Although it was heartbreaking...this winter our family experienced the true "circle of life".
Oh, that is quite bittersweet...and truly the "circle of life." She's adorable too! *Ü*
J- Callie is the sweetest little thing! I know she was a the ultimate blessing for your dear Daddy and your family! She's just so dainty!! I know she'll be as striking as her cousins and her aunty!!
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